Telegram Messenger for iOS brings secure, end-to-end encrypted messaging to all your devices without sacrificing speed. The app is free and has no ads.
Lightning-fast messaging: Telegram Messenger for iOS enables you to send lightning-fast encrypted messages.
Secure messaging: Telegram's messages are AES-256 encrypted, or get end-to-end encryption in Secret Chats. Secret Chats can include text, photos, videos, and files, and they automatically self-destruct after receipt and cannot be forwarded.
Great for sending large files: You can send a variety of file types over Telegram, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF -- up to 1.5GB in size.
Robust photo- and video-editing toolset: You can edit your photos and videos, as well as add text, drawings, masks, or stickers.
Cloud based: Telegram Messenger is cloud based, so you can access messages and contacts from multiple devices.
Siri integration: Use Siri to send messages, but know that some data will be sent to Apple along the way to process your requests.
End-to-end encryption is not automatic: Secret Chats must be turned on to maintain end-to-end encryption across a conversation.
Telegram Messenger for iOS is a great messaging app if security and speed are your main concerns.
September 21, 2020
Latest update
October 21, 2024
Operating System
iOS 16.4
Additional Requirements
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